PostHeaderIcon Our 2nd Day Of Holidays in Umina

Tuesday 18th October, 2011

Today Mummy & Daddy were both a bit sick so it was a slow start for us. We went onto the jumping pillows and had lots of jumping fun. We also played on the play equipment. Lizzie & I rode our bikes in the morning with Mummy & Daddy

though I decided after a little while that I wanted Daddy to carry me & mummy pushed my bike back to our cabin.

We also went for a walk down to the beach to have a look & see where it was hidden. We have been hearing this strange sound like its windy or something but apparently it is the waves crashing on the sand.

Lizzie liked the sand & water straight away. We both ran down to the water & the water came in & around our knees & it made me fall over and then over again. And here is a video of the incident in question…

as you can see, I was the victim in a rogue wave accident!

And sorry about the video being in portrait, Mummy was using Daddy’s iphone and used it that way!

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