Day 4 and almost the end
Thursday 20th October, 2011
Today was a HUGE day for us.
We started off on the play equipment because the Jumping pillows weren’t awake yet (they were still deflated). Once the pillows had some air in them Lizzie & I went and lay down on them while they blew themselves up and then we were able to jump on them.
After that we went for a walk along the beach. We did’t play in the sand we just walked …
and walked …
and walked …
and walked …
all the way to a surf life saving club where we bought some morning tea. We had some hot chips & ice creams.
On our walk Lizzie & I also had a look for some shells, they were quite pretty.
We played on some other play equipment at the club & then started walking back to our cabin again. So we walked, and walked, and walked and walked back to the cabin. It was a good walk and tiring. I tried as much as possible to not get wet but that sea stuff just kept rolling in and it did get me a few times.
We had some lunch & then Mummy & Daddy tried to get us to have a sleep, as if that was going to happen!
They finally gave in and took us to the pool to play in the water without sand. That was lots of fun and I even went on the water slide with Daddy. He promised to try to keep my head from going under which he did very well. We don’t have any video footage of this happening though as Mummy was in the water too and couldn’t take any photos.
Lizzie & Daddy went on the water slide many many many times and they had lots of fun on it.
Mummy & I got out and sat down and then I felt really tired so I had a bit of a sleep to rest my eyes.
I felt a bit better after that and then Daddy said that we were going to have pizza at the cafe near the pool and icecream.
After all of that we came back and had a bath to get all nice and clean and into our jarmmies & then went for a jarmy ride to buy some food for breakfast.
And now I’m in bed asleep.
Whew what a big day that was and it was the last full day of our holiday. It will be sad to say good bye to the jumping pillows cause they have been great fun. But all good things must come to an end …
As there is a photo of Mummy & I Chillaxing by the pool, I wanted to show you a photo of Daddy Chillaxing by the water.